Friday, May 14, 2010

Cycle lanes dangerous?

Interesting link to a summery of cycle path safety.
There is a lot of naive work done shown how unsafe current cycle lanes are. If you look closely they tend to say well the cycle lane is safe its coming off it thats unsafe.

Generally I agree, mixing road and cycle lane traffic is a bit like trying to mix roads and rail traffic (imagine roads being built in an adhoc way around railway track). I'm sure if you people built roads but failed to raise or lower them for railway tracks ( the rail tracks just go straight through a motorway with no signals) then yes building motorways/freeways would be unsafe ( for car drivers). But we are some how smart enough not to do this ( thankfully).

But what happens if we break the rules and say 'expediency be dammed?' What happens if we deiced to put a decent amount of money into cycle lanes and more importantly make sure they cross as regularly as level crossings of trains and cars (i.e practically never).

Then I think the safety results would be quite different.

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