Wednesday, July 16, 2014

To get people out of cars we need to know why they drive

To get people out of cars we need to know why they drive:

In this interesting article on why people drive in Syndey. I think the core argument for ECL from it. emerges.

"They used the car for many purposes. Many of these can be conceptualised as traditionally utilitarian: ferrying children and carting groceries, as well as micromanaging multiple time commitments to family, sport, study and secondary employment. Drivers found the car comfortable and cited the air-conditioning, aural concealment and protection from rain, wind, heat and darkness as the key motivators for using cars."

Unlike taking public transit (bus,tram,train) carrying quantities of groceries or children on your bike isn't a considerable problem ( if the ground is flat). I think what makes this article key is the knowlege that you are never going to get car drivers to switch to cycling without protection from rain,wind,heat and darkness. This is why elevated cycle systems ( or principally covered ones ) are so necessary.

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